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12 Week Challenge

Nadine Jones

Who loves a challenge? Who wants to see a skin transformation in just 12 weeks? Who wants to go foundation free by April?

Now is the perfect time to start a skin transformation, its winter, it'll soon be January, we may be in lockdown. Now is the time everybody wants to start a New Year resolution, a spring clean. So how about spring cleaning your skin care, have you got a multitude of different lotions and potions that just aren’t working for you? Do you want to streamline your skin regimen or start one even?

Are you ready to take your skincare to the next level with Nimue 12 Week Challenge?

What is the Nimue 12 Week Challenge?

Inspired by the #NoMakeUp trend, the 12 week challenge demonstrates how Nimue’s highly effective and scientifically-formulated products can help you get the skin results you desire, so you can feel confident enough not to have to wear foundation every day. After all, flawless skin is all the make-up you need!

The advanced skincare products are designed by Nimue Laboratory will deliver the best ingredients into your skin, boosting the health and rejuvenating your skin surface.

Using the 12 week kit tailored to your specific skin classification, 4 professional in salon treatments and my knowledge, this challenge will transform your skin and reveal a new renewed complexion.

In week 13 you will have the confidence to go foundation free. Your skin will speak for itself.

Are you ready to take a break from your foundation?


  1. Start by booking your skin consultation with myself, and we will discuss your skin concerns and create a tailored plan with a bespoke combination of treatments and products targeting your personal skin classification, whether it be, Environmentally Damaged, Problematic, or Interactive. There are products in the Nimue range to tackle each concern.

  2. Purchase the 12 Week Challenge Package

  3. Use the products as directed, and book where possible your professional in salon treatments, I am also on hand to help during the entire process.

Remember to take lots of photos before, during and after photos, so you can see just how far you’ve come.

What’s included in the package?

  • 8 x Homecare products based on your skin analysis.

  • A guide on how to use each of the products.

  • 4 x Professional in salon Treatment Vouchers (Value £235)

How do I get started?

Start by booking a virtual skin consultation with myself by emailing me at

By starting off with a thorough consultation we will ensure we get the best results from your 12 week challenge package and have the best products to suit your skin type, preventing damage and saving money in the long run. After all, investing in your skin will reap rewards now and in the future.

Nadine OnScreen Enjays Beauty


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