In 2021, I won Gold for Beauty Therapist of the Year award for the South West & Wales region, to say I’m thrilled would be an understatement. I’m ecstatic, considering it was in the middle of a Pandemic. It really did seal the deal and make 2021 a good year for me.

A lot of you have asked what the process was, so I initially enrolled myself on a whim to be honest back in Feb 2021, salons were still closed, so had plenty of spare time on my hands.
The initial stage was based on customer feedback, reviews and your social media presence. This is where I have all my customers to thank for their wonderful reviews which I still love reading. The positive feedback makes it all worthwhile.
Once I had got through that initial round, I was then a finalist which is where the hard work for me started.
We then had to send in supporting evidence to the judges, this is what I personally struggle with, I always have done even during school studies, which is essay writing! Definitely not my domain, hands on is no problem, but answering questions and essay writing. Uch a fi.
However I put my big girl pants on and got down to it, I was doing this in the middle of summer. So many summer evenings I was sat outside in my garden pen and paper.
Finally got the supporting evidence submitted I’m sure it was on the final day it had to be submitted as well.
Few months later, the awards ceremony was online, it was on Youtube live, you can watch it here (skip ahead to 16.06), so I got the whole family gathered around the telly to watch. We could see all the other winners in other regions coming up and then there I was on the big screen! I had to pause it and rewind a few times just to make sure it was real. I couldn’t believe my eyes truth be told, I’d never won anything apart maybe a bronze medal for swimming. This was something completely unbelievable to me.

I’ve not been prouder of myself, and the support I’ve had from my family, friends and my loyal customers, is amazing.
So this is a big thankyou to you all who made it possible for me to achieve this fantastic goal of mine!
What will 2022 hold???